Jennifer CHADET: Who am I?

Jennifer CHADET : Qui suis-je ?

I'm Jennifer Chadet

Passionate about many things, drawing, music, reading ... The universe of beauty has always attracted me. This is one of my favorite arrows to my bow!

Author, composer / performer for several years, music has remained number one in my heart for a long time. It is thanks to this that I was able to put my talents as a make-up artist, among others.

With each performance on stage or each video clip shooting, they called me and it filled me with joy to sublimate all these beautiful people! Word of mouth I made a small place in this environment.

And from theatrical boards to the production of my own video clips, I perfected myself in the rules of the art. Sharing all this know-how and getting such great feedback every time, pushed me to go even further.

With my brand Kiss2kiss cosmetics, entrepreneur at heart, I aspire to further sublimate many women with my own products and hope to share all this with the people around me.

Although there is an unspecified number of lipsticks on the market, I sincerely hope that you will find your happiness with our products.

Many surprises are coming ... Stay connected!

For your pleasure,



Ps: Do you want to take a look at my video clips? Come take a look at my page Official Seedjay :)

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